Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Realization

        So, I was reading my old posts...what was my purpose? Why did I post them on a blog, cause I sure as hell wasn't "blogging" You're supposed to actually have a motive right? I totally didn't. Just small anecdotes...musings. But! Now I will. So, what I intend to do I intend to do. Okay. I am going to do that 365 photo challenge. Everyday, starting today (tonight, whatever) I will take a picture to document said day's events. I will then proceed to post it on here, where all you lovely people will see it.

    I've really never finished anything like this, so we'll give it a go. Maybe just maybe, I'll actually complete it, thus gaining my own worth. Dear Lord help me now.

And so it begins.


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