Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 2- Remembrance

      So today I...well as you know, went to school. And then rehearsal.

                   The end.

Just kidding. After I got home I went outside and took pictures! I'm doing a project in English and we decided to take pictures of "solitude". I did very snowy ones. And I think I captured it as well as anyone could when only given one and a half days to do so.
   I hadn't taken pictures in ages. I's been so long. I really hadn't realized just how much I miss it.

Day 3- Paths
           I totally didn't finish yesterdays' post. I was writing it and it was like 1 in the morning and I guess I fell asleep. Well there's some of it. Today we had the full run through for Bye Bye Birdie, and I have to say, I did a mighty fine job. I practiced really hard last night, and my director actually was very impressed, and I was thinking she'd be pretty pissed for doing something a bit risque (I crawled on the floor like a leopard) so that made me feel much more confident about this whole show in general. Also, in English today I had this HUGE, in depth conversation with a girl named Sammy, who I don't usually talk to. But today we went off on this rant about how corrupted our education system and society is, and how often people are taught to give up their individuality. And it's just so cool because, she has the exact same beliefs as I do and we spent more than an hour just talking about everything and the world and we never had really talked before, and I mean, how was I to know that she was so similar to me?? Well I'm glad we had that discussion. It lightened my mood a great deal. It's so nice when you are reminded that you aren't alone. I think it makes my beliefs firmer. It tells's like the universe is telling me, "Right. You're on the right path. Don't forget about it. Don't let other things take it away from you."

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